Colorado Working Families Party candidates sweep Denver City Council races!

Progressive candidates supported by Colorado Working Families Party swept Denver City Council elections, challenging the overwhelming influence developers and business have in city politics. Candi CdeBaca beat incumbent Albus Brooks in District 9 and Chris Hinds defeated incumbent Wayne New in District 10. Newcomer Jamie Torres beat Veronica Barela in the race for the open seat in District 3. Brooks was the best-funded City Council incumbent and a close ally of Mayor Michael Hancock, but he was blindsided by the strength of CdeBaca’s scrappy, grassroots campaign. And Measure 302, which would give Denver residents a vote before public funds are spent courting the Olympics, passed by a landslide.
With the goal of creating a strong progressive bloc on City Council, Colorado Working Families Party trained candidates and campaign staff, including Candi CdeBaca.
Candi CdeBaca is a member of Colorado Working Families Party and participated in our Campaign Boot Camp, A social worker, Candi has worked for more than a decade on public policy and co-founded Project VOYCE to empower student voices in policy decisions. As a community organizer, she has worked with her community to address issues ranging from charter schools, environmental racism, gentrification, and corporate development. She led community organizing in opposition to the Interstate-70 expansion, a boondoggle that is disproportionately affecting some of the poorest communities in Denver — including Candi’s own neighborhood.
Chris Hinds, a disability activist who was victorious in his race for Denver City Council District 10, believes that everyone in Denver deserves “access to housing, transportation, fresh and healthy food, and everything necessary to thrive.” He has helped pass accessibility policies at the local, state, and national level.
A District 3 native, Jamie Torres has worked for nearly two decades for the Agency of Human Rights & Community Partnerships. Jamie, who comes from a low-income background and has experienced homelessness, is running on a platform of housing affordability — especially low-income housing — and workers rights.