Working Families Party


What is the Oregon Working Families Party? 

The Oregon Working Families Party is about building an Oregon that works for all of us, not just the wealthy and well connected. 

How do we build political power for working people? 

The Oregon Working Families Party is a minor political party that uses fusion voting, which allows us to cross-nominate candidates from major parties if they support our values and our issues. If not, we can run our own candidates, but we prefer not to be spoilers or to waste your vote.  

What does it mean when you see “Working Families” next to a candidate’s name? 

It means you know that they have our seal of approval — and you can vote for them with the confidence that they will do the best job of fighting for working people. 

What do we stand for?  

A Democracy that Works for the many, not the few. 

We vigorously fight any efforts to suppress voters. We must eliminate the ability of wealthy donors and corporations to buy politicians and protect the integrity of our voting system from all threats, foreign and domestic.  

Building Worker Power 

We demand fair rules and legislation that strengthen unions and create fair working conditions for everyone. We encourage all workers to form or join unions and bargain collectively to determine their terms and conditions of employment. 

Health Care and Housing for Everyone

Health care and quality housing are human rights. Society has an obligation to be certain that everyone has a decent place to live, access to health care, clean air, clean water, and a healthy climate.   Make healthcare free and universal and guarantee home and community based services for everyone, including mental health care. 

Eliminate restrictive local zoning rules that keep housing and schools segregated by race and class. Aid Black families, and other people of color harmed by redlining in buying homes.

Respect the sovereignty of Indigenous Peoples and Tribal Nations. 

Quality, Free Education 

Quality education is the backbone of any society. We must make public pre-K- 12 a priority again and eliminate schemes that siphon public funds from the public system. From universal preschool to higher education — including trade schools, public colleges, and universities – all must be tuition free.  

Fixing our Broken Criminal Justice System 

We demand an end to mass incarceration and the for-profit prison system. We oppose minimum sentencing requirements that have resulted in the world’s largest prison population.  We also must end forced arbitration schemes used to shield the abuse of corporations. 

Comprehensive Immigration Reform 

Our party stands for fair comprehensive immigration reform that realigns legal immigration standards to reflect today’s conditions, a system not based on race. The two decades old experiment called ICE has failed; it’s time to eliminate ICE.  

Creating a State Bank

We don’t need billionaire bankers. We need a state owned bank to support small businesses and family farms and keep Oregon’s money in Oregon.   

Fair Trade, Fair Economy 

We need trade rules that build strong economies among all trading partners, that enable enforcement of domestic labor and environmental laws, and that regulate and tax global capital. We fight for a just transition away from the global fossil fuel economy that guarantees working families sustainable livelihoods for generations to come.  

Tax the Rich 

It’s high time that wealthy individuals and corporations pay their fair share of taxes. Their greed impacts every aspect of our lives. We must reestablish the tax rates of the 1950’s and 60’s when our country built a strong middle class and the infrastructure necessary for a strong economy. 

The Oregon Working Families Party will leave no one behind. Join us! 

We are working to create a party that represents all working people of all identities. Vote for OWFP-nominated candidates and help us build an organization that can truly represent working people in Oregon politics. 

(This information furnished by Working Families Party of Oregon. PAC ID:5528)

Our Candidates

Dan Rayfield Attorney General
Tobias Read Secretary of State
Mary King State Treasurer
Lesly Muñoz State House District 22
Courtney Neron State House District 26
Susan McLain State House District 29
Hai Pham State House District 36
Annessa Hartman State House District 40
Thuy Tran State House District 45
Willy Chotzen State House District 46

Ballot measures

Measure 116: Independent Public Service Compensation Commission
Measure 117: Ranked-choice voting for federal and state offices
Measure 119: Unionization of Cannabis Workers

Contact Oregon WFP

Email: hello@owfp.org