Media Center
Working Families Party PAC sent this mail to 60k likely Dem primary voter households in MO-1 and we are preparing a 2nd piece to a targeted universe of up to 40k households.
(The three rounds of mail went to 19,000 Democratic primary voters in District 7 who have voted in two of the last four primaries, and an additional 52,000 voters across the district who likely support Biden received digital contrast video. Viewers watching Telemundo and Univision learned about Téran’s record of fighting for us in Spanish.)
WFP National PAC and partners are proud to launch our final ad in NY-16, with expenditures of $300,000 on cable and $600,000 on broadcast TV.
WFP National PAC is excited to send this mailer out as part of a multi-piece program in NY-16. Around 62,000 primary voter households, including primary voters of all races under 50, white women over 50, and African-American voters who are regular primary voters or who have voted in multiple general elections, are currently receiving this mail.
WFP National PAC and partners launched phase 1 of our collaborative online buy in NY-16 on May 10th, with approximately $75,000 / week of digital ads in the district.
PA-12 and PA HD-34
WFP National PAC and partners are proud to announce a $475,000 expenditure on this ad educating voters about Summer Lee’s record of delivering for her district on broadcast, cable, streaming, and digital platforms.