Connecticut Working Families release statement in support of the Public Option Bill

Hartford, Conn. – Carlos Moreno, Connecticut Working Families State Director, Issued the following statement in support of S.B.842, “An Act Concerning Health Insurance and Health Care in Connecticut”. Working Families is testifying in support of the legislation today.
Carlos Moreno, State Director, CT Working Families:
“The pandemic had a devastating impact in the lives of thousands of families in Connecticut. The current crisis has made clear that Connecticut must make health care reform a priority. The bill under consideration today at the Insurance Committee, S.B. 842, takes an important step towards improving healthcare access for working families in our state.
The pandemic has exposed the failure of our healthcare system to protect low-income earners, and Black and brown working families. Many folks working low-wage, essential jobs, are exposing themselves to health risks every day, while they lack insurance often working for large, profitable corporations that either don’t offer healthcare to their employees or offer plans that they’ll never use because of high premiums and deductibles. Even well-employed families are scrambling to find health coverage but can’t afford health plans on the exchange. These families need emergency care, now.
If there is a lesson we have learned during this COVID year is that the health of our community, the health of our neighbors, is our health. We can no longer afford or accept a healthcare system where losing your job leads to loss of healthcare coverage, nor accept that the pandemic had a disproportionate impact on people of color.
Affordable, quality healthcare is not only essential to us as individuals, but a critical necessity for the well-being of our communities. We are looking forward to working with Governor Lamont and legislators to ensure that everyone in Connecticut has access to reliable, dependable, and affordable health care.”
Add your name in support of the bill – click here to write a letter to your legislators and call them to vote for the legislation.