Connecticut Working Families Party Statement following election results in Bridgeport City Council primaries

Bridgeport, Conn. – Statement by Carlos Moreno, State Director, Connecticut Working Families Party (WFP), following local primary results in Bridgeport.
“Bridgeport can be so much more: a city of opportunity, vibrant, welcoming, where everyone can thrive. Today, we are one step closer to this vision. Today’s primary victories of Tyler Mack (131st), Aikeem Boyd (133rd), Wanda Simmons (139th) in Democratic City Council primaries represent a rebuke to the corrupt, dysfunctional party machine that has long controlled City Hall.
Bridgeport voters have spoken: they will no longer tolerate the rampant patronage, incompetence, double-dealing, and scandals in City Hall. Bridgeport needs new leaders that not only share a commitment to fight for economic justice, but to break with the old, corrupt ways of city government. Leaders that are willing to put economic opportunity, good schools, affordable housing, equitable growth, and effective institutions as their main priority.
There is a lot to be done. Tyler, Aikeem, and Wanda represent the first wave in a changing tide. Bridgeport deserves better – and we are proud to stand with these leaders fighting for change.
We want to thank Victoria Majewski and Dasha Spell on their hard-fought campaigns and commitment to making Bridgeport better for everyone.