Re-elect State Representative Bob Godfrey

Bob Delivers for Danbury and Fights for You. He Has Earned Our Vote. 

Photo of Bob Godfrey

When and Where do I vote? 

You can vote on or before Tuesday, August 13th. Early Voting starts on Monday, August 5th at Danbury City Hall (155 Deer Hill Avenue, Danbury, CT). The early voting period ends August 11th, but you will still be able to vote on Election Day, Tuesday, August 13th .  Polls are open 10am-6pm during the early voting period and 6am-8pm on Election Day. 

For more information, visit the CT Secretary of State Voter Registration Lookup.

Why should I vote for Bob? 

As our State Representative, Bob Godfrey is winning for Danbury. He has:

  • Protected tax exemptions for retirees’ income
  • Delivered the largest-ever state investment in our public schools    
  • Secured millions to prevent teacher and staff layoffs at Danbury’s public schools
  • Increased funding for Western Connecticut State University
  • Expanded the budget for mental health services  

Let’s Keep Bob Fighting For Us!

Am I Registered to Vote?

Not sure whether you’re registered to vote? You can check your voter registration here

Photo of Bob Godfrey at his State House desk

Meet Bob Godfrey

Bob Godfrey was born and raised in Danbury and has dedicated years of public service to fighting for Danbury’s working families in the state legislature. Bob’s commitment to our community is clear — he serves on the Board of Directors of APEX Community Care, which advocates for people with mental health and substance abuse disorders, and he sponsors the YMCA’s Youth and Government program, which brings high school students to the Capitol to simulate state government. As Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore, he has the influence and experience to deliver for Danbury. 

Let’s Keep Bob Fighting for Us and Delivering for Danbury!

Voters in Bob’s district will soon be learning about his record of delivering for Danbury:

Front of postcard with image of Bob Godfrey and senior supporters. State Representative Bob Godfrey Delivers for Danbury's Seniors. He keeps his promises. He's earned our vote.
Back of postcard with image of Bob Godfrey. As our State Representative, Bob Godfrey is a powerful champion for Danbury's seniors. He has: - Expedited Medicaid coverage for home-based care - Established an easy-to-use system to connect patients with home care providers - Strengthened oversight and improved patient care in nursing homes - Protected tax exemptions for most retiree's income. Let's keep a proven leader fighting for us! Vote on or before Tuesday, August 13th. Early voting starts Monday, August 5th at Danbury City Hall (155 Deer Hill Avenue, Danbury, CT). Polls are open 10am-6pm during the early voting period and 6am-8pm on Election Day. For more information, visit

Who is Working Families for Education Excellence?

Most of us believe that people who work for a living ought to earn a living. But today, the wealthiest people and corporations get richer and richer off our backs while our wages stay the same.

Working Families for Education Excellence only supports candidates who will fight for working people by cracking down on price-gouging at the grocery store, making wealthy tax cheats pay their fair share, and fighting for quality public schools for every kid in Connecticut. When you vote to elect a Working Families Democrat, you know that candidate will fight for us to keep the money we earn.

Working Families for Education Excellence is uniting progressive, community, and labor organizations across the state, to help community candidates compete with big campaign spending from corporate special interests. Operating independently from local campaigns, our goal is to help voters across Connecticut make a plan to vote and be full participants in our democracy.

WFEE is a project of the Working Families Party and working class folks of all backgrounds — from healthcare workers, to educators, to custodial workers, the security guards who help keep us safe.

Paid for by Working Families for Education Excellence.  This message was made independent of any candidate or political party. Supported by District 1199 LEAD Fund and Lindsay Farrell.  Additional information about Working Families for Education Excellence may be found on the State Elections Enforcement Commission’s Internet web site.