Oregon Working Families Party Endorses Second Round of Portland City Council Candidates

“This year we have a unique opportunity in Portland for the first time to have a truly representative City Council,” says Naranjo-Rivera

PORTLAND, OR—The Oregon Working Families Party has announced its second and final round of endorsements for Portland City Council. These endorsements build on the seven City Council endorsements announced by the party in July.

The following candidates were endorsed after a thorough endorsement process that engaged over 120 WFP members and committee leaders.

District 1: Jamie Dunphy
District 2: Sameer Kanal, Elana Pirtle-Guiney, Jonathan Tasini 
District 3: Chris Flanary
District 4: Sarah Silkie

“This year we have a unique opportunity in Portland for the first time to have a truly representative City Council. We are thankful for the work of the commission to strengthen district representation and implement ranked-choice voting,” said Annie Naranjo-Rivera, Oregon State Director for the Working Families Party. “Our party is proud to be supporting candidates who share the WFP’s values and demonstrate a true commitment to positive change in their communities.”

“I’m thrilled to have earned the trust and support of the Oregon Working Families Party,” said Jamie Dunphy, District 1 candidate. “Very few groups in our community are so clear about who they serve and why, creating real action that betters the lives of hard-working families and individuals all across our community. It’s beyond time those families were represented in City Hall. I’m going to work my absolute hardest to make everyday life in Portland just a little bit better.”

“I am proud to stand with the Working Families Party and humbled to receive their endorsement,” said Sameer Kanal, District 2 candidate. “My public service has focused on ensuring government represents the many, not the few—a value I will bring to the City Council. I also share the WFP’s values of housing as a human right, good jobs for working people that allow us to afford to live here, and community safety focused on ensuring we all have our needs met. Together with the Working Families Party, we can make our goals a reality in Portland.”

“WFP is a powerhouse organization doing great things for workers everywhere. I’m proud to earn their endorsement.” said Chris Flannary, District 3 candidate

“I’m incredibly excited to receive the endorsement of the Working Families Party! As a working city employee and a mom of three, I deeply understand the struggles that families in our district face every day,” said Sarah Silkie, District 4 candidate. “I’m running because I believe Portland needs leaders who will fight for affordable housing, fair wages, accessible childcare, and a future where working families can truly thrive. The Working Families Party shares this commitment to building a city where everyone has a fair shot, and I’m proud to stand with them as we work to create a more equitable and just Portland for all.”


The Working Families Party is the party for the working class of all races. We all work hard to take care of our families and contribute to our communities. We deserve respect and leaders that will fight for us. But some politicians are teaming up with greedy corporations to drive up the cost of everything from groceries to housing, childcare and college—and they’re attacking our basic freedoms like abortion rights and the right to vote. The Working Families Party is regular people coming together to fight for a country that puts working people first.