Oregon Working Families Party Endorses 3 Statewide Ballot Measures 

PORTLAND, OR — The Oregon Working Families Party has put their weight behind three critical statewide ballot measures.

The Party is encouraging voters to vote yes on M116, M117, and M119. They have declined to support M118.

“Over the last few election cycles Oregon has lost the opportunity to have qualified and visionary candidates run for office because the current salary is too much of a financial hit,” said Reyna Lopez, Co-Chair of the Oregon Working Families Party and Executive Director of PCUN, on Measure 116. “If we want working families to have a real voice at the table, and candidates that don’t come from wealthy backgrounds, Oregon must build a path to ensuring salaries for legislators keep up with the cost of living today.” 

“We’re proud to endorse Measure 117. Too many voters don’t feel like their voice matters. Ranked choice voting gives us the option to choose the candidate we like best, without worrying about wasting our vote. That means more power to elect people who better represent us and our communities,” said Jenny Lee, Building Power for Communities of Color and OWFP Coalition Partner.

“Everyone should have the freedom to form a union if they so choose. Some cannabis employers are exploiting a legal loophole to deny workers the right to form a union,” said Annie Naranjo-Rivera, State Director of the OWFP. “We know that all do better when we all do better. Measure 119 would ensure that Oregon cannabis workers have the same freedom to unionize that nearly every other American worker has.” 
