Working Class Wins: Our Biggest Candidate Recruitment Push Ever

Do you believe our government should work for everyday people, not just the wealthy and well-connected? Are you ready to step up and lead in your community? Now might just be your time.

The Working Families Party is launching its biggest candidate recruitment effort ever — Working Class Wins — to recruit 1,000+ working-class candidates to run for office at every level of government. Whether you’re a delivery driver, nurse, organizer, or just someone who wants to fight for real change, we need leaders like you in key districts to take power into our own hands.

For too long, the system has been rigged against working people. Corporate-backed politicians make decisions that impact our lives without ever walking in our shoes. But together, we can elect leaders who will fight for us instead of billionaires and corporations. We need candidates who know what it’s like to struggle with rent, juggle jobs, or fight for healthcare because they’ve actually lived it.

Sign up to find out the basics of running for office and how to seek WFP’s support. Running for office might sound daunting, but you wouldn’t be doing it alone. WFP could provide guidance through the process, connection to a movement of like-minded people, and the support needed to turn your vision into action.

The Working Families Party has a proven track record of electing working-class champions across the country. From city councils to state legislatures, we’ve helped working-class leaders win — and we’re ready to support working-class candidates in targeted seats every step of the way with the tools, training, and community you need to run and win. Ready to take the leap and run?

Not ready to run, but want to support? This work takes resources. Every dollar helps us recruit, train, and elect working-class candidates who will fight for all of us. Chip in today to help build a government that truly represents us.

This is our moment. Let’s build a government that truly represents us.

In solidarity,

Team WFP