Working Families Party Mass Calls

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Our strategy can be summed up in three words: Block and Build.

We need to do everything we can to block authoritarians from seizing absolute power.

We need to build a real alternative to the political status quo – an alternative that prioritizes our needs, not those of the wealthy and the well connected. Generations before us have struggled and won, and we can too.

What is this?

Four years ago, a broad-based movement came together to defeat authoritarianism.

We organized, and we started holding “mass calls” to bring together our people to learn and take action together. Our biggest call had thousands of people on it!

This year we are starting even earlier. 

We are coming together around the campaigns to lift up our champions in the primaries, and we are getting organized for the general election fight ahead. 

What is Block and Build?

In each of our mass calls we are taking time to learn together. We are using a curriculum created by a collection of movement leaders, organizers and educators called “Block and Build.”

This curriculum is about getting crystal clear about our strategy. Because when we are aligned on strategy our actions are that much more powerful.

How can I use this resource?

We created this web resource because we want to share! The more people who are aligned with the Block and Build strategy going into the election and beyond, the stronger we will be.

We have put videos of our past mass calls on this site, and we are sharing the curriculum so you can download it and use it yourself.

After each mass call, we will add new materials here – so keep checking back!

How else can I get involved?

You can also get involved in our organizing and electoral work by going HERE.  

And if you want to get up-to-the-minute updates, text “MASS CALL” to 30403 and we will share with you timely updates and ways you can plug in.

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Mass Call #1: What’s the Score in America

In this call we talk about the threat posed by the MAGA movement, and the need for a united front strategy to defeat it. We make clear that in the context of the ongoing political crisis in America, elections are a doorway, not a destination.

(Sample slides from the curriculum)

Mass Call #2: Midwest Momentum

In this mass call we look at a key election fight in St. Louis and we explore the intersecting crises shaping this political moment. It is these crises that make the MAGA movement so dangerous. We discuss exactly how we need to block their authoritarian take-over.

(Sample slides from the curriculum)

Mass Call #3: Making Meaning of the Moment (Pt. 1)

In this mass call – which was not on the schedule – we processed the late breaking events of the assassination attempt against Donald Trump and we start to get very specific about what we mean when we say “build.”

(Sample slides from the curriculum)

Mass Call #4: Making Meaning of the Moment (Pt. 2)

In this mass call – which was also not on the schedule – we continue to process the late-breaking events surrounding Biden’s decision to drop out of the race and endorse Vice President Harris. We continue to dig into the idea of what we are building.

(Sample slides from the curriculum)

Mass Call #5: Pre-DNC Call

In this Mass Call we take stock of where our movement stands before the Democratic National Convention and we hear from leaders of the Uncommitted movement. In our political education session we discuss building integrated and coordinated movement infrastructure to reach the working class.

(Sample slides from the curriculum)

Mass Call #6: From the Frontlines

In this Mass Call we ground ourselves in the power struggle that is taking place for the hearts and minds of working people of all races. We do a deep dive into WFP’s research-backed roadmap for organizing a new working class center of gravity on the political map. 

(Sample slides from the curriculum)