Winning the Working Class

In early 2025, the Working Families Party conducted a poll focused on the WFP’s brand and messaging. We found that voters distrust the Democratic Party to deliver the policies and reforms needed to improve their lives, and that the Working Families Party’s brand has more credibility than the Democratic brand on key issues like inflation and the cost of housing. This memo includes a summary of the poll:

Building on the groundbreaking research below, we are also pleased to share messaging research and guidance on talking to working-class voters about Third Party Presidential Candidates in this highly consequential election.

We believe that working class voters will determine the future — who wins in 2024 and beyond. 

The WFP’s Practical Handbook to Winning the Working Class is meant to be a guide for organizers that distills the best research we have into practical recommendations on what values, issues and messages moves working class voters to vote for our candidates. It includes recommendations for the working class as a whole, as well as guides for each of seven values-based voter clusters.

Building on Working Families Power’s groundbreaking research on working class voters across race, Class and Worldview: A Report on the Multiracial Working Class, the WFP has developed research about the messages and strategies that moves each of seven working class voter clusters. The bulk of the Handbook is composed of quick two-page guides to each cluster: Next Gen Left, Mainstream Liberals, Tuned-Out Persuadables, Anti-Woke Traditionalists, Diverse Disaffected Conservatives, Secure Suburbans and Core MAGA.