Working Families Party


The Wisconsin Working Families Party is the grassroots party for the multiracial working class, leading the fight for social, racial, and economic justice. WFP wants to make Wisconsin work for everyone, not just the wealthy and well connected. We work to advance the interests of working class, middle class, and poor people in the United States through endorsing progressive candidates, legislative advocacy, public education, creative media, community organizing, and holding elected leaders accountable.

We form a unique bridge between progressive activism and electoral success: we work to build bottom-up political power by recruiting and training the next generation of progressive leaders to run for office and win, and we’re building a movement of WFP supporters and activists to fight for the future we deserve. If you’re fed up with billionaire-driven politics and believe in challenging the status quo, we invite you to find a political home in the WFP and get involved in making the change you want to see become a reality.

Our Candidates

Bill Jetzer Fitchburg Common Council, District 2, Seat 3
Logan Reigstad Fitchburg Common Council, District 3, Seat 5
Micah LaDousa Fitchburg Common Council, District 4, Seat 7
Carl Bryan Kenosha School Board
Aron Newberry La Crosse City Council, District 9
Shaundel Washington-Spivey La Crosse Mayor
Elias Tsarovsky Madison Common Council, District 4
Badrinath Lankella Madison Common Council, District 7
Nikki Conklin Madison Common Council, District 9
Yannette Figueroa Cole Madison Common Council, District 10


General Inquiries:

[email protected]